Torrent3 Treatment System

Torrent3 Treatment System

100 GAL per minute vol.

45-foot shipping container.

90% TSS removal.

85% BOD/COD removal.

99.99% Pathogens and Bacteria removal.

60% TKN Nutrients removal.

75% P Nutrients removal.

Ability to oxidize most micropollutants.


The technology combines rapid solids removal with an ozone-based advanced oxidation process that utilizes proprietary catalysts to increase ozone efficiency and treat a variety of contaminants to pre-treatment and/or permit requirements.


The technology combines rapid solids removal with an ozone-based advanced oxidation process that utilizes proprietary catalysts to increase ozone efficiency and treat a variety of contaminants to pre-treatment and/or permit requirements.

100 GAL per minute vol.

45-foot shipping container.

90% TSS removal.

85% BOD/COD removal.

99.99% Pathogens and Bacteria removal.

60% TKN Nutrients removal.

75% P Nutrients removal.

Ability to oxidize most micropollutants.


This system is in a mobile, 45-foot shipping container and is available for rent or purchase to achieve treatment requirements for industrial pre-treatment, municipal and industrial NPDES permit discharge, or private indirect reuse.

Rapid Radicals Team Photo


This system is in a mobile, 45-foot shipping container and is available for rent or purchase to achieve treatment requirements for industrial pre-treatment, municipal and industrial NPDES permit discharge, or private indirect reuse.

Rapid Radicals Team Photo

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